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Dr. Malek A. Nasser
Dr. Malek A. Nasser
Consultant, Ophthalmology
- Ophthalmology
- Al Salam Al Assima Hospital
Spoken language : Arabic / English
Specialized in:
- Anterior segment eye surgery.
- Cataract surgery.
- Glaucoma surgery.
- Strabismus surgery.
- Eyelid surgeries (entropion / ectropion/ resection tumor / canthoplasty)
- Plastic and reconstructive ophthalmic surgery (implantation orbital implant).
- Ophthalmic emergency (eyeball and eyelid injuries).
- Lacrimal duct surgery.
- Treatment of anterior segment eye diseases including inflammation.
- Treatment of non-surgical retinal disorders including intravitreal injections and laser (especially for diabetic patients).
- WhatsApp : +965-1830003
- Call : +965-1830003
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